
Archive for December 2009

Gave up my “real” job (sorry Mom)…

So I am on an indefinate hiatus from my teaching gig until I finish this game. For the past couple of years I have been teaching Game Design and some related subjects at one of the online universities for a number of reasons, but the game I am working on needs my full attention, I just cannot get away with both or both will suffer for it.

I didn’t realise until my break started, however, just how *much* time and attention the university courses were requiring. In their never ending quest to improve the student experience online, the requirements on the teachers have been getting more and more stringent and while this most certainly good for the students, it has taken a degree that was originally taught by professionals working in the games industry and is turning it into something that will only be able to be taught by full-time educators.

At the very least you are looking at the teaching becoming fragmented, one course only being taught by a pro. More likely though, the pros who were teaching will simply quit, after all, they are already employed, and oftentimes are teaching because they enjoy it, rather than for the salary benefits. The problem is, the games industry moves fast. Very fast. If you don’t keep a toe in the water, you get left on the shore very quickly. You’re going to end up with a group of teachers who’s skillsets become obsolete (and by extension, so will
their courses) unless you can find a way to maintain that happy balance of pro/teacher.

At this moment I am looking down the barrell of one of the few times in my recent experience when I do not have my courses constantly on my mind. The “instant access” paradigm being fronted by the online courses means students can and do contact you any time of the day (or night). You are expected to respond within 24 hours, which means if the response requires research (and my courses involve teaching game engine use, so most questions require faily extensive research and debugging) you have to get on it immediately. The end result is that you *never* have downtime, you never have a period when you can put the course out of your head. You never get a break, even if you have rigidly set schedule or clearly defined hours of contact. Being free of this constraint has been surprising mainly because I hadn’t noticed it was there until it was gone. I hadn’t noticed just how much of an impact it was having on the rest of my projects and productivity.

I hesitate to call it a negative impact, because the experience wasn’t a “negative” one. I enjoy/ed the teaching, particularly since it was in my chosen area of expertise, but in reflection the cost to the rest of my projects (also in my chosen area of expertise) may simply have been higher than I expected. I’m now in the process of rethinking my priorities, making this a permanent hiatus, rather than just a short-term one.

People 2.0

I’ve been hearing a lot about how things like the web and text messaging are keeping people from “face time” how we are all degenerating into a group of chair-ridden social degenerates who cannot spell, cannot speak, cannot even maintain eye contact in real-life social situations. That our children are going to grow up getting married on WOW and having virtual children rather than going to nightclubs, getting lit on drgs and booze and having unprotected sex like the previous generation was wont to do (if you believe the media, at any rate).

But the one thing people fail to take into account is that a very large percentage of the population is comprised of reasonably balanced people. There are addicts of every stripe, addicts for alcohol, for
sex, for videogames, for pr0n, for chocolate, for heroin, for soap operas, for Twitter, for Harry Potter, in fact, if it makes you feel good, if it makes *anybody* feel good, there’s probably someone out there who’s addicted to it.

But the majority of people, when they realise they have gotten hooked on something that is mucking up their life, they self-regulate. They limit their exposure, they set rules like, no drinking before 5pm, or, no TV on a school day. Sometimes it takes a little mucking about to get the balance right, sometimes you fall off the wagon, but you get up and get back to the balancing act again.

Thing is, social media and digital communication are not so different from any other type of communication. In place of reading facial expressions there are emoticons, hashtags, any number of ways to convey that emotion, and a recently savvy user can pick up on these just as quickly as a smile or a frown.

“But” you may say “but you can use those to lie. To say you are angry or sad with the intent of manipulating your reader.  BAD PEOPLE use those to trick kids into taking naked pictures of themselves and to get dates with people prettier than they are.”

“But” I say back “how us that different from what we do face to face? The false smiles and dishonest chuckles we have all grown up  practising as a part of everyday social graces?  It’s just as possible that the person you are meeting at the bar is actually half a million dollars in debt and has herpes, the fact that you’re meeting him or her face to face doesn’t change the fact that deception happens.”

It’s not such a difference to the experienced user. Someone who does their business online is going to be well versed in these forms of silent communication just like we can look at the misspellings in an email title and know if it’s spam or not.  Someone looking in from the outside, however, is going to see something else, they are going to miss the subtleties of repurposed semicolons and be blinded by the run-on nature of hashtag situationals.

So be tolerant of those who are as of yet unfamiliar with this new and subtler form of communication. Remember that this is a whole new language to them, like dropping a native Chinese speaker into a tribe
that speaks only Farsi. They will adapt, or be miserable, but the world will keep turning, one way or the other.  If you’ve already adapted, keep going.  If you’re two steps behind, you’re going to have to make the decision for yourself, do you *want* to take the plunge or stay dry?