
Cybercrime and Transparency


Image courtesy kapersky.com

Obama Signs Executive Order Encouraging Private-Sector Companies To Share Cyber Security Information

Transparency is creeping ever closer.  I know people online bitch and moan about the lack thereof, but the truth of the matter seems to be that, inch by inch, policy by policy, transparency is seeping into our lives (whether we like it or not).  President Obama recently signed an executive order regarding the sharing of information between the govt. and private corporations with an eye towards combating cybercrime in a more wholesale fashion, which (for a change) pushes the latest steps in airing our undergarments to governmental/corporate collaboration (rather than exploring the boundaries of personal liberties).

But is a monolithic front to cybercrime really the most ideal solution?  Hackers (the really l33t ones at least) seem to be individualists, they have target preferences, unique ways of looking at problems that might not be easy to defend against as a single data-crunching system.  There is a certain amount of nimbleness required, which is why the bounty system (where corporations pay a bounty to programmers for each bug or hack reported and proven) seems to be as effective as it is, rather than engaging rooms full of people combing through the code.

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